💯Cheat code

How to choose a character

In the beginning of the game all users are one character. You can train your character specfic skills of a warrior/archer/maige and equip them with the required goods from the merchant's shop to develop your character into one of the specified character of your choice.

Types of goods

The inventory at the merchant's shop is sub-divided into three categories. In order to specialize your character with specific skills, you need to collect all three types of goods. These goods are: Wearables, Useables, and Collectibles

The wearable consistes of armory that you can wear. It inlcudes helmets, gloves, guards, chest-plate, boots, kits, weapons

The Consumebales consists of health potions, stamina potion and mana potion

The collectibles consists of artifacts that you can collect and sell for profit.

Add ons

The Add ons consists of certain powers that like

  1. Attack power ups

  2. Throwing ice-balls and other equipments

  3. Call a pet (wolf, bear) companion

Last updated